Stephanie Grao Miss Universe Great Britain

Stephanie Grao in Isabel Wong Grey Organza Top Photoshoot

This year Isabel Wong is supporting the British-Brazilian beauty Stephanie Grao on her journey through the Miss Universe Great Britain pageant. The UK finals will take place at the Cardiff Marriot Hotel where the finalists are set to participate in a number of activities in the run up to the big day including fitness boot camp and Cooking for a Cause in aid of Sheroes Hangout. The winner of the UK finals will represent Great Britain in the international pageant to compete with girls from across the globe. In part of our collaboration with Stephanie, we arranged a catch up and private preview our latest collection in preparation for a photoshoot with London based photographer Norman Peltier. We are wishing the very best of luck to Stephanie!


Model Stephanie Grao

Photographer Norman Peltier

MUA Gary Green

Clothing Isabel Wong

Stephanie Grao in Isabel Wong Coral Top and Skirt Outfit London Photoshoot